2023 events
We have not solidified our events for 2023 yet. However, most events will be in person in Calgary, AB with a virtual component for those who do not live here to be able to connect. Stay tuned and get stoked! Please keep up to date with upcoming events by signing up for my newsletter. For now, take a look at some of our past events to get an idea of what you might expect.

investing & saving
wednesday JUNE 15, 2022 @ 7:00pm
Do you feel like you hear people talking about investments and saving money, and you’re like…I work with horses I can’t do that? Well that’s just not true! I know it might be scary, but especially if you are a business owner, we have to lean into doing the scary thing, in this case learning about saving money.
Join Jon Cooper, yes Brigitte’s husband, for a night of talking about saving money! Is he a banker? No. Is he involved in finance? No. So, will he swindle you into “a great investment opportunity”? No!
But, is he a great saver? Yes. Does he know the difference between a stock and a bond? Yes. Can you ask him anything at all without feeling stupid? Yes. Does he have gorgeous blue eyes and a great personality? Also, yes. Trust me, he is a totally wealth of knowledge, pun intended, when it comes to getting started on saving! He will help you feel confident & even excited about saving money!
The investment cost of this evening will go towards the room rental and snacks! Thanks for your contribution.
investment: $25

developing Systems to make A profit
MAY 2, 2022
Join Wanda Murch of the Murch Group to learn how to create systems that will make you money. Wanda’s passion lies in taking somewhat chaotic businesses and turning them into well-oiled money machines while looking at the numbers!
The investment cost of this evening will go towards the room rental and snacks! Thanks for your contribution.
investment: $50

full moon energy
tHURSDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2022 @ 6:00pm
Learn how to work with the energy of the full moon. Join Brigitte Cooper in a night of ceremony to prepare for this year’s harvest moon. Learn grounding, cleansing and prayer techniques, and get in tune with your connection to the moon.
This in-person event will be limited to 16 guests.